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to be successful

Case Study I

Godrej Industries Limited

At Godrej Industries Limited (GIL), Unisoft team has given support for the ERP system for 4 factories, 4 regional offices and head office. When we took this project there was MFG/PRO (ERP) system implemented at each location of the organisation. GIL is into speciality chemical business. They do bulk sale of these chemicals. The customers are other big manufacturers using these products in their product processing. In b2b, transaction approach has to be different to that of with b2c (for/with end consumer).

For speeding up the transaction pace and to cater the needs of their customers, blanket order processing was automated in QAD. This helped in cutting down the data processing time, accuracy and also helped to track the back orders, schedules for next deliveries, accounts receivables and ledger of the customers.

To give complete update of the transaction and payment status and to place and interact with orders details from their customer, e-commerce site was developed and handled by our team. Database integration was done as a two way system, one with the ERP system to get the orders and payment information. Another the delivery, invoice information and payment knock-offs was sent to the e-commerce site's database.

To provide support to all the sites of the company spread across the length and breadth of the country (India) and to maintain ERP system and e-commerce site a dedicated team of professionals were deployed. Team consisted of project manager, team leaders, MFG/PRO techno-functional consultants, database administrators, PROGRESS developers and JAVA developers.

Case Study II

Hershey's - American Chocolate Company

Hershey's Limited is into confectioneries, food and beverages business. That time it was a JV between Godrej and American Chocolate Gaint 'Hersheys'. Beside their own product GHL had also acquire the business of Nutrine Confectioneries. Their business is managed by 3 factories, C&F Agents and distributors. Unisoft has developed and given support for various web based application systems. Their business runs on SAP (ERP) system implemented at each location of the organisation.

Being a consumer centric company, they have to deal directly with the consumer for their complaints, grievances, feedback and enquiries. And handling such a big volume of consumers for a company whose distribution networks is spread across the country (India), is not a child's play. Secondly maintaining the quality of so many SKUs and that to of different pack size is also humongous task. For keeping tab on consumer calls and for check on the quality of products manufactured for aiming zero defect, Unisoft has develop few web based application for them to integrate the various factories and office sites.

Among various application developed using Microsoft technologies for GHL we have developed complaint management system, which is addressed as consumer connect program (CCP) and for the quality at factories, we have develop continous improvement program (CIP). These systems help various offices to keep track of various consumer complaints and the non-conformance (NC) at factories. Systems are developed keeping in mind all the problem solving path & processes of the company.

To develop and provide support to all the sites of the company, a dedicated team of professionals were deployed. Team consist of project manager, support consultants, database administrators, developers (microsoft technologies).

Case Study III

Super Gas (SHV Energy) - A Dutch Multi National LPG Distribution Company

SHV Energy was a new entrant in India and was setting up its business in India. Company was looking out for resources that could help them set their 4 major regional companies in Ahmedabad, Delhi, Kolkatta & Hyderabad. Unisoft had given support in terms of human resource to take care of IT infra structure and software support.

SHV had several LPG bottling plants with brand name Super Gas under each regional company mentioned above. So Unisoft had to take care of each plants IT setup & user training.

Along with IT infra management, SHV Energy's software application based on Progress 4GL and Financial package QAD was also supported by us.

All sites of company was installed with LPG System and its financial interface was happening at regional company level. Unisoft played a role of consultant for multiple software testing rounds, various release implementations, hardware support and users handholding (training) in the implementation of these system.

Case Study IV

Ad n Get: Advertising Portal for Buyer & Seller

Ad n Get is among few companies which at the startup stage cannot put all their money in IT infrastructure and software development. Being a startup company, there are various overheads and limited resources to meet them. In such cases Software as a Service (SaaS) plays a good role in providing mutual benefits to both the partnering companies. They required a web portal for their online advertising business but had limited resources (finance, IT setup, etc) to bloom the dream of a big advertising portal.

Unisoft developed an advertising portal for them with facility to pay us as per the use. With this Ad n Get could concentrate on getting clients for them, leaving the burden of managing IT development and support on us. This also help them in managing finance otherwise would have to spend a huge sum on getting the software and infrastructure ready, on top a fixed cost of IT resources to maintain the system 24x7.

We used our shared pool of resources to develop the advertising portal, which helped us to lower the cost of development and optimum utilisation of our IT resources. Having hosted on the shared web server the cost of hosting comes to minimal and with benefits of free administration and data security.

Both the companies benefitted for this tie up as we got our resources utilised and got paid for it on regular basis and they got a very good portal at a minimum usage cost at the delicate period of growth stage. Such partnership is not only beneficial for startups but also for those who like to keep their IT cost at minimum and mitigating business risk.

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